Annual statement of accounts
The annual statement of accounts is an essential component of the company profile towards shareholders, CEOs or credit investors.
Based on the financial accounting, I will compile annual statements for sole proprietorships and companies of different legal forms.
Specifically, my services include:
- compilation of commercial balance sheets including annex
- compilation of tax balance sheets or transitional calculations
- compilation and transmission of the electronic balance sheet
- compilation and submission of the profit and loss statement to the electronic Federal Gazette
- compilation of surplus income calculations
- preparation of corporate tax returns
- assistance with year-end audits
- compilation of interim financial statements for economic analyses or credit negotiations
- assistance with tax audits
- Financial accounting
- Wage accounting
- Annual statement of accounts
- Tax returns
- Economic consulting services
- International
- Future-oriented accountancy
Steuerberatung Hollands
Korneliusmarkt 3
52076 Aachen
Tel.: +49 2408 5989329
Fax: +49 2408 5989336